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I’M CALLED DIANA… like the Goddess


Diana!  Ooh-ooh- Diana!
I’m called Diana just like the Goddess Diana
My Totem’s the Goddess Diana
I’m wild and I’m sweet
Like the Goddess Diana
I love all that I meet
Like the Goddess Diana
I’m loved by everyone
Until they are scared and gone


I’m harsh with my lovers
Though I can surely quench all their thirst
As I am so kind and motherlike
All I do is always right
Whether I’m sweet or I’m wild
For Goddess Diana inspires me through my life

Tell me have you seen
This Goddess Diana that I mean?
She tramps the woods with her bow
She hits the wild ones with arrows
She wants the proud to be meek
Yet gives energy to the weak

She’s like your pet, like your best lover
Sure amazing ‘till they turn back to Nature
She changes like the moon, the token on her head
From bright to dark, through gold and red
You’ll love her moods, her changing pace
Her slow dance or her fiery race

I’m called Diana, like the Goddess Diana
We’ve all met, in our lives, this Goddess Diana
We are the games of this Huntress!
Do play the game!
Better than rest!
You’ll burst out of your old shell
And be born again with your lighter, real self!

Paroles : Florian Lacour
Musique: Diana Hamilton